Happy 2025 New Year!
We can’t believe we are halfway through the school year already! It has gone by so fast because it has been busy! These months have been filled with fun and exciting educational activities. While focusing on counting and learning our letters, the students are starting to learn how to color nicely in the lines. We practice by coloring different shapes, letters, numbers, and pictures. During circle time, the students practice memorizing the bible verse. The students can now memorize the motions and words. They get excited during our chapel time to show everyone our bible verse! Lastly, we have water play every month.
In January, the students returned to school from winter break, and we got back into our daily routines. Each month, we invite Kona Ice on campus so that we can help raise funds for families who can’t afford to send their children to private schools. The kids get to enjoy a frozen treat, and they really love it! We also have a fire drill every month. This is so the children and everyone on campus know where to go and how to be safe during a fire emergency. This month, we read the book “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” and observed a chrysalis transforming into a butterfly. Today, we released the butterfly. They named it Sunny! The children learned where lemonade comes from and how to make it by squeezing lemons. They learned that lemonade doesn’t just come from a store!
We ended our month with an adventure to the State Library, King Kamehameha Statue, Iolani Palace & a live play at Tenny Theatre.
We can’t wait to see what’s in store for next month!”