Love to Connect With You!

Have a prayer request or would like to connect with a pastor? Have a question about our ministries, events or classes? Interested in getting involved? Please contact us!

Call Us!

Phone: (808) 841-7022
Email: [email protected]

Join Us on Sunday

2214 N. King St, Honolulu  HI  96819

7:15 AM: Traditional Service
9:00 AM: Interactive Service
9:00 AM: Japanese Service KUC日語部
10:45 AM: Family Service

9:00 AM: Sunday School for Kids
9 & 10:30 AM: Adult Classes

Directions from East Oahu:

Take the H-1 going West. Exit at the Middle Street off-ramp (Exit 19A). Turn left onto Middle St. at the light. Turn left onto N. King St.

Directions from West Oahu:

Take the H-1 going East (Airport Viaduct). Exit at the Middle St./Dillingham off-ramp (Exit 18B). Stay in the far left lane, and turn left onto Middle St. at the light. At the second light, turn right onto North King Street.

Directions from Salt Lake/Moanalua:

Take Fort Shafter / King Street Exit.

Bus Access:

There are bus stops in front of the church on King Street. For the latest bus routes and schedules, please go to the website or call TheBus at 848-5555.

Email Us!

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