KUC News

Thankful for our new playground!
We can’t believe summer session has already ended! We love playing on our new structure and the water pad on water play Fridays. We look forward to the new school year ...

Preschool Year Ends with a Bang!
When the school year ended, we said goodbye to old friends and welcomed new friends for the summer session. The theme for June was water and the story of Noah. We have learned many things ...
Join Us This Sunday
7:15 AM: Traditional Service
9:00 AM: Interactive Service
9:00 AM: Japanese Service KUC日語部
10:45 AM: Family Service
9:00 AM: Sunday School for Kids
9 & 10:30 AM: Adult Classes
Kalihi Union Church
2214 North King Street
Honolulu, HI 96819
[email protected]