Manna Ministry is an outreach of Kalihi Union Church in partnership with the Hawaii Food Bank. Every Thursday KUC’s volunteers provide both physical food and spiritual food for the families of our community.

The first volunteers arrive early in the morning to pack the food bags. KUC provides each household a bag of canned and dry goods, and a bag of fresh produce. There is also a selection of baked goods and proteins to choose from.

The next group of volunteers come and set up the sanctuary and the welcome center for the participants. While they are waiting for the start of the distribution, participants can join a bible study, or sit in for a presentation of the Word of God and a time of worship. Attending the service or the bible study are not a requirement for receiving the food bags.

At 9:00am the food distribution starts and the participants are registered. They then pick up the food bags, and chose from the optional food products that were delivered that day. Approximately 500 households pickup food each week in the 2 hour distribution.

Once all the people have gotten their food, the volunteers pack everything up and clean. When everything is done, often there is a potluck where the volunteers enjoy a time of fellowship and community knowing that they have helped many in a very practical way. Participating in providing for so many families to have a good healthy food to eat is a blessing.

We are always looking for volunteers to be a part of this ministry that calls us to serve others in one of the most basic needs, feeding the hungry. “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in.” Matt 25:35. All volunteers need to go through an orientation and training program.

Please call the KUC Office and speak to a pastor if you have any questions. Or, if you are in need of food assistance, please visit us on Thursday mornings at the church. Food distribution starts at 9:00am and ends at 11:00am.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
