Disciple Makers

Mark 3:13-19 and 31-35 | April 7, 2024 | Pastor Jonathan

“All authority… has been given to me. Therefore, go and make disciples…” – Matthew 28:19

Jesus gave these words with authority after his resurrection. It is famously named, “The Great Commission.” Making disciples is the job description of everyone who calls Jesus LORD. Today’s new series helps clarify our focus and equip us in this glorious calling.

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Hope for the Harvest

Mark 4:1-9 | April 14, 2024 | Pastor Jonathan

“Other seed fell on good soil. It came, grew, and produced a crop, multiplying thirty, sixty, or even one hundred times.” – Mark 4:8

Jesus prepared His disciples for the ups and downs of following Him. If you’ve ever had shattered hopes or been disappointed or disillusioned… Listen carefully as Jesus speaks truth and hope!

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Teaching Through Storms

Mark 4:35-41 | April 21, 2024 | Pastor John Barrow

“Immediately he spoke to them and said, ‘Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.’” – Mark 6:50

In Mark 4:35-41, Jesus and his disciples face a fierce storm while crossing the Sea of Galilee. Despite the disciples’ fear, Jesus calms the storm and demonstrates his power over creation, leading the disciples to marvel at his authority. In Mark 6:45-56, Jesus walks on water to reach his disciples amid strong winds, revealing his divine nature and loving presence.

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Backstage Pass: Behind the Curtain of Christ-like Leadership.

John 10:10, Genesis 37:28, 1 Samuel 16:11, and Esther 2:7
April 28, 2024 | Rev. Dr. Danny Yamashiro

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.’” – John 10:10

Our Lord Jesus speaks about age-old challenges that face every human being, identifying the raw nature of our adversary and modeling leadership that elicits hope toward life overflowing. Today’s message, part of our Disciple Makers series, is given to us by special guest Rev. Dr. Danny Yamashiro. He is preaching from a variety of passages including John 10:10, Genesis 37:28, 1 Samuel 16:11, and Esther 2:7.

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Make Disciples of All Nations

Matthew 28:16-20 and Luke 10:1-12
May 5, 2024 | Pastor George Nagato

We start Missions Month in this month of May. Here at Kalihi Union Church, we set aside this month to focus on God’s work around the world and within our lives. Today, Pastor George Nagato preaches a message called “Make Disciples of All Nations,” an appropriate way to kick off Missions Month and a continuation of our “Making Disciples” series.

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Happy Mother’s Day

Mark 6:30-44
May 12, 2024 | Pastor Jonathan Steeper

“Send the people away so they can go and buy something to eat… Jesus answered, ‘You give them something to eat.’” – Mark 6:36, 37

Jesus now demonstrates a whole new level of discipleship for moms and all of us. He moves from simply “watch me” to “you help find the solution.” Listen carefully to Jesus! Follow His example in providing a miraculous meal with eternal lessons. Pastor Jonathan continues in our “Making Disciples” series with a Happy Mother’s Day message.

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The Heart of the Matter

Mark 7:1-22
May 19, 2024 | Pastor Jonathan Steeper

“These people honor me with their lips but their hearts are far from me.” – Mark 7:6

The old saying “lip service” points to words that are good but are not backed by a devotion of the heart. Unfortunately, this is how Jesus described many religious people. Disciple makers seek to train the heart first. Today, we learn from the Master on nurturing the “heart of the matter.”

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